Monday, March 21, 2011

Let me tell you about our re-cordings!

Well, the boys is in the studio with our producer, Dick Ruben. The re-cordings is coming along nice and smooth like except for the Wolf kept runnin' off to catch ground squirrels so I had to strap him down to the roof rack of my Ford Bronco II so we'd know where to find him when it was time for singin'. He hollered his fool head off when I done it and some of it you can hear on the record when you ain't supposed to. That is what Dick Ruben likes to call a "crappy accident" and when you hear it, you'll know why.

Aside from that the band is behavin' itself. I gave Snuff a sack of tobacco and beef jerky so he'd have somethin' to chew on and not get to complainin' like he does and Hog and Dragline is happy w/ just a jar of wolfshine and some pills these days as long as the pills is red and pretty big lookin'. Should be done w/ the re-cordings in just a few week's time. Now that's progress!

Your friend,
McElroy Boyd

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Another Show for the Boys, HOOOEEE!

Now, iffin't the boys ain't the hardest workin' in the business, well, I don't rightly know who is! They are playin' a show at Ball Hall which is in that danged Chicago city they keep playin' in. The other bands is Lechugillas, the Unstoppable Death Machines and some fellas who don't know how to spell who call their band Catacombz.

You all should come. Maybe even Drug Dealin' Dan will be there.

Your Friend,
McElroy Boyd

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The boys got a show up and comin'!

Yessir, the boys is playin' a show with two Mexican bands by the names of Spanyurd and Lechugillas. We hired one of them graphics designers to make us up a hand bill:

It's all on there. Cal's in the city of Chicago. Friday the 18th of February. I will be there cause I gotta meet up with Drug Dealin' Dan for personal reasons I cannot discuss on-line-wise.

Your friend,
McElroy Boyd