Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Skank Wolf Legal Defense Fund

Well, the Wolf finally recoverd from his run in with city water and got back to being his old sweet self again. Guess what the first thing he did is? Well, first thing he did was drink a jar of Wolfshine but after that I mean... The boy went and stoled a stone statuette of Robert E. Lee from out the front of the court house and done got hisself arrested on account of he forgot it was the day time and there was a po-lice man standin' right there.

I asked him him why he done it and he said it is a fine many who stands on his principles. And I asked him what his principles was and he said he don't believe a stone statuette should be cooped up in front of no court house and he aimed to set little stone Robert E. Lee free. I tell the boy he ain't thinkin' straight and then he got all sore and told me to leave but he's the lead singer of the band so we gotta pay a bail of forty-five dollars and raise enough money to pay the best attorney in the county, Plessy Ferguson. He says he's sick of us payin' him in Wolfshine and wants him a gallon of good, store-boughten whusky this time.

Anyways, we are askin' for donations to the Skank Wolf Legal Attorney Defense Fund in order to straiten our financial situation and get back to rockin'.

Your Friend,
McElroy Boyd