Friday, March 5, 2010

The Wolf Stoled My Teeths!

Last night, I fall asleep under this big ol' apple tree on my estate, Rabies Acres. Now I leave the apples layin' around on the ground because when I wake up under there, I'm liable to be pretty hungry. Well, I got to take a bit of one of them apples and what do you know, my teeths ain't there no more! Now it ain't no big deal since them apples are pretty mushy this time a year but I was still pretty keen to find 'em again so I set about in my four wheeler ATV to go and look for 'em.

Well, I come 'round the bend of this creek I got out back and I see the Wolf out there chasin' rabbits. Now, he only catches 'em sometimes and normally they slip right on away on account of his teeth don't come together quite right. Now you just imagine my suprise we he snatched one of the blessed things right off the ground. The Wolf stoled my teeths right out of my mouth and was usin' 'em to bite on rabbits! What in the mind of a right thinkin' Ken-tucky boy would cause 'em to do such I thing? I am befuddled as you can well imagine.

Anyway, if you've ever tried to wrestle a set of teeths out of the jaws of a half-naked Ken-tucky boy, you probably know my fingers look about like half a pound of hamburger left in the sun too long. I don't think I'll play no piano for another three weeks. Darn that Wolf! He is a kind soul but he sure do some strange things sometimes.

Oh well. I think I might invite on over McElroy Boydd and Dixie Peters for some rabbit chili tonight.

Your Friend,
McElroy Boyd

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