Friday, February 5, 2010

The New Songs Is Up

Let me tell you, I am all worn out after finishing that re-cording session!

I had to wrassle that damn Snuff when he decided he'd rather sit on a dock chewing Quaaludes than re-cord guitar on his own album. Imagine that! He put up some kind of fuss, that boy. I reeled him in good though and put one of them electric dog collars on him so I can give him a shock when he acts up. Doesn't seem to feel it much though, might even kind of like it.

Anyhow, the sound is rockin' and it was produced by Dick Ruben, who is probably the most famous producer I know of. We did it with his mobile unit on my estate, Rabies Acres, so we would really let the boys go wild. The Wolf has a real good holler and we got it down pretty good on tape. We even got him to stay awake most of the time and only had to spray him down w/ the hose once. The rest of the boys, well, they're trouble but they mean well and me and Dick Ruben managed to keep 'em out of the stash box long enough to get some rock and roll music out of 'em before they wandered off.

Your Friend,
McElroy Boyd

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